Designing From The Ground Up

J.D. Staron / Carpets and Rugs: Creativity and experience in a cosmic explosion of just great design. So much for subtlety, let's just introduce and learn and have fun knowing about J.D.Staron.

Jakub Staron , charismatic, hip and very GOOD LOOKING (which cannot hurt) is the artistic force behinds the designs, colors and textures found in the J.D. Staron collection of rugs and carpets. Jakub travels the world, whether it be India, Nepal, Tibet or China, sourcing and working with the finest mills and local weavers. I believe Jakub would credit the many people who weave for J.D Staron as a major key to the success of the carpets. He created an almost family like relationship with both individuals and families, many with over 40 years of experience in weaving, that work with him.

His team of weavers pay close attention to every detail from the initial carpet drawing to setting up the warp, to ultimately creating works of art for the floor.

DO COME VISIT THE SHOWROOM ON THE SECOND FLOOR OF THE SAN FRANCISCO DESIGN CENTER. We love working with Jakub and "showing off" exceptional rugs and carpets.

A preview of coming attractions: A collection of outdoor rugs! For when the rain stops!!

Below are Michael and Maggie at the helm, Stephen to keep us all organized and someone has to bring both samples and sweets, right?
